Studio Uniforms
School Uniform
At Rundle, we foster a sense of school pride in our students through school uniforms. These instill a sense of responsibility for their attire and allow students to focus on what matters — academics and character building. We encourage your child’s individuality to shine through their actions, behaviours, and thoughts.
Students are excited to take part in each division’s time-honoured traditions: graduating from the cardigan of the elementary grades to the burgundy blazers of junior and senior high and finally, to the anticipated black vests of their senior year.
Rundle uniforms are PFASs free (Perfluoroalkyl chemicals) and provided through our uniform partner, Top Marks.
Rundle Spiritwear
Rundle spiritwear can be worn on specified days throughout the year. Rundle spiritwear includes branded sweatshirts, t-shirts, toques, ball caps, sweatpants, and more. Rundle Spirit Days are scheduled every second Friday of the month and our students are encouraged to wear their Rundle spiritwear over their uniform.
Spiritwear is only available to purchase through the online Rundle Summit Store on our website and not through our uniform provider, Top Marks. The Summit Store opens at various points in the year. Store dates will be communicated through email newsletters and on the MyRundle portal.