A Legacy of Learning – Reimagined Classrooms
Published on December 15, 2022
We are so excited to share our reimagined classrooms with you!
Last year’s Vision & Values fundraising campaign focused on innovation and wellness and opportunities to enhance these elements throughout our schools and programs. As such, we designated our College Campus Fund to the creation of innovative classrooms including technology, workspace furnishings, and enhancements at the College 7–12 school.
Thanks to the He and Borgland families, their extremely generous donations and their commitment to our program, three Rundle teachers were afforded the opportunity to reimagine and redesign their learning spaces.

After close to a year of planning, designing, prototyping, ordering and waiting, the furniture has been delivered and our teachers have been busy setting up their new learning spaces.
We are pleased to present these reimagined classrooms and to share the positive impact these spaces are having on student learning and wellness – none of which would be possible without the support of our donor families. The He and Borgland families and their contributions will be recognized by named plaques on the innovative learning spaces they made possible.
Coding Room
“In our Coding and Math classes, the students enjoy collaborating on their coursework as they work on critical skills like problem solving. The flexible seating provides us with that opportunity, allowing students to move around in the space seamlessly. The students have particularly enjoyed how comfortable the chairs are – many of them commenting on how much more comfy they are than the previous arrangement!”
— Ms. Mylde, Jr. High Coding & Math Teacher
“I really like the new classroom design and interactive environment.”
— Cooper H.
Elevation Room
“The redesign of the elevation room has helped students stay engaged in their class work. The new set-up encourages students to try new things and step out of their comfort zone when it comes to learning. Students seem more relaxed and comfortable in this space which positively affects student wellness.”
— Ms. Blagojevic, Jr. High Tech Innovation Teacher
“I am enjoying the larger monitors and the additional workspace.”
— Jack B.
“The redesign has provided the collaboration space that was needed for our Science and STEM classes. We now have plenty of space for project development and group discussions – an essential part of the design process. Students are also now able to comfortably and safely conduct science experiments as the height of the desks allows them to stand. Students are far more comfortable and engaged than in the previous classroom setup.”
— Ms. Millette, Jr. High Math & Science Teacher
“I like the new desks better than the old desks, the room is more comfortable and there’s more room for experiments during science class.
— Amara H.
As in every school, infrastructure, technology and classroom furnishings need to updated over time and in independent schools, these upgrades are largely funded by charitable donations. Thanks to the generosity of our community, we are able to continue to provide a premier learning environment for all of our students, now and for generations to come. Thank you to all of our donors for your continued support.
If you are interested in sponsoring a redesigned classroom, with your gift of $20,000 (optionally pledged over four years), you will receive a recognition plaque proudly displaying your family name outside of any College classroom needing enhancements.
Learn more by visiting Giving at Rundle, this year’s Vision & Values Campaign page and by reading our Giving Stories to see how your gifts make the Rundle experience possible.